Monday, November 25, 2013


Hello fellow viewers. Before blogging something i want to tell you about the picture above, Isn't it cute guys? that picture reminded me of my one and only Kampung's Cat it's name is CHERRY

isn't it a cute name? Lol well here's the story my cat was originally born as a male but when it was a kitten trust me it didn't had any evidence that he is a truly male like this cat even had nipples so without any consideration we called this adorable cat Cherry. And suddenly when I was just arriving from SMAN 8 TANGERANG. I saw Cherry made out with a female cat so i was quite confused so she is a female cat but made out with a female cat too......well......that's quite weird.

But who knows he actually had a male genital area. Crazy right? so me and my brother already named it Cherry but it is a male cat? I wonder how cherry felt when we called his name with a female name.
well, here it is the photo of our adorable yet sometimes annoying cat

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